Guided tour over the glacier Styggebrean:
Juvasshytta lies 1850 m.a.s.l., and is a natural starting point for trips to Norway's highest mountain Galdhøpiggen. For safety reasons, participants on theese tours walk on a rope. In the summer season there are daily guided tours to the summit.
The trip from Juvasshytta to the top of Galdhøpiggen is about 5 km long - with an increase of 650 vertical meters. The trip is about 11 km. long and takes normally 5-7 hours (round trip from Juvasshytta).
High season from the beginning of June to Mid September. (Contact Juvasshytta for trips before May 30th.)
Aboute the trek:
The trek starts by the climbing wall at the west side of the main building at Juvasshytta, by the information boards. The guides arrive approximately 15-30 min before departure, depending on the amount of participants on the given day.
Practical information is given. Harnesses are distributed and adjusted. Children will use a full-body harness, which requires more adjustments. Our guides take care of this. If needed, we also supply crampons.
First stage | To the beginning of the glacier:
The first part of the trek goes to the edge of the glacier and takes a little less than an hour. This is a gradual climb of approximately 2,8 km (1,7 miles). If the participants take too long time (more than 1,5 hours) to arrive at the edge of the glacier, the guide can ask you to discontinue the trip for your own safety and in consideration of the rest of the group. At the edge we have our first break. It's important to consider your clothing before embarking on the crossing of the glacier, as there will be no opportunities to adjust clothing during the crossing.
Everyone should eat something before the trip starts and have water easily available. Adjust clothing as you walk, and drink regularly.
Second stage | Crossing the glacier:
Everyone gets information and basic knowledge of glacier crossing:
- A tight rope between the participants during the crossing is important.
- Those who wish to be in the same rope team (friends and family) are responsible for lining up together by the ropes.
- Take families into consideration here, so that children don't have to walk alone!
Third stage | Climbing "Piggeura":
The glacier crossing takes approximately 50 min. Participants then arrive at Piggura (the scree of the peak). Here the rope teams are disassembled, and you have a short break. From this point the steepest part of the trip begins. After 30 min - 1h almost everyone will arrive at the peak. There is a good break at the peak. Remember to say hello to "Piggjeguten" ("The Peak Boy") in his cabin!
The return:
The guides will organize a meetup-time either at the peak or by the ropes. Follow their instructions and consider some extra time on the descent. Important! Some people need more time than others, and it's important to respect this. If the weather is bad, everyone will go up and down together. It is an achievement to reach the summit of Galdhøpiggen. Even if the weather and the view are not the best, people are contented by reaching a goal. We would like for the trek in itself to be a goal.
We can experience pretty rough weather on our treks to Galdhøpiggen, and it can change quickly. If the participants are not dressed appropriately or badly equipped for the conditions, our guides can refuse to bring participants on the trek for safety reasons.
Things to bring/use on the trek:
- Good shoes, preferrably hiking shoes etc. (no sneakers!). Hiking shoes can be rented at Juvasshytta.
- Gaiters can be good to have - especially in June/July.
- Sunglasses
- Warm hat
- Mittens
- Sunscreen.
- Water resistant and windproof outerwear (both pants and jacket)
- Change of inner clothes
We have a mountain-shop where equipment and clothing is sold at regular store prices.
The road | Galdhøpiggvegen:
The road to Juvasshytta Mountain Lodge is privately owned and operated by Juvasshytta. This is a toll road which is closed from Raubergstulen to Juvasshytta during the winter, usually from the beginning of November. The road opens when Galdhøpiggen summer ski center at Vesljuvbrean opens in May every year.